Tulane University, M.A. French Studies (2013)
Tulane University, B.A. International Development, French, and Italian, Summa Cum Laude with honors in French (2012)
Andrea’s research to date has primarily centered on immigration into France from North Africa and its intersection with questions of religion, women’s rights, and racism in French politics, media and literature, as well as the question of political amnesia regarding colonization. Her dissertation project seeks to explore Didier Eribon’s notion of société comme verdict as applied to representations of race in French and Francophone literature, searching along the lines of “whiteness”, “blackness” and “arabness”.
My research interests primarily center on the interplay between sociopolitical movements related to religion, women’s rights and racism and representations of immigrant communities in French literature and media. I hope to evolve my studies in the direction of questions of reparation and trauma as they relate to these issues. I am also interested in how identities can be created, fractured and reformed, either through the process of immigration or exile or through a different type of confrontation between the Other and the Self. Related to this is a tertiary interest in the motif of Narcissus in literature.
The Human (http://humanjournal.org/), July 2013: “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: Narcissus Subverted and the Death of Desire”